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Long hair or short hair?

1:03 PM

With many of us stuck with boring, same old long hair or just wishing to look better, changing our hairstyle is something that comes to mind often, yet we are so afraid of the change because choosing a hairstyle isn't the easiest job in the world.

I believe choosing a hairstyle should come to down to our personality more than anything else. It should be what represents us and fits with our lifestyle. Many women complain that they are unable to go for a hairstyle which would really make them look good because it would be too high maintenance for their busy lives, especially if they have got kids. But I don't think they should feel too bad about it. Life isn't all about how you look, it's also about enjoying it and fulfilling responsibilities that will keep life running well. And then, if you are missing out on the kind of hair celebrities have, then you are missing it for some fun, if you are outgoing or for some love, if you spend time caring for your kids. It is the life chosen by you, then why shouldn't your hair show it? I feel it's best if our looks completely represent who we are. It often motivates us to change life, the lifestyle, to kick bad habits and to make it all better.

But hey, that doesn't mean you can't look good if you are busy. All girls deserve some fun with their looks. One good way is to get yourself styled by a stylist once in a while, the other is to take time out for yourself anyhow at least twice a month. Even if you have no party to attend, it doesn't hurt to dine out.

Now, I'll finally get to the real deal. I think it's a good way to choose your hairstyle based on face shape. But while there are many guides available on the internet on choosing your hairstyle according to face shape, I don't know how many there are on choosing between long hair and short hair according to face shape.

In my opinion, it's a good idea to go by the softness/hardness and the size of your face. Short hair looks best on women with small faces. This is something you might have heard before, but I also noticed that short hair looks pretty damn cool on round faces because of their softness. It's simple. Body type experts tell us to balance our look when it comes to choosing clothes, as in your look would be balanced if you have got a feminine body and wear pants or if you haven't got curves and you wear dresses and skirts. In the same way, long hair balances a square face shape and short hair balances a round face.

But you don't have to detect whether your face shape is a soft one or a hard one. It's simply that if you want to look softer than you look, growing hair long is going to help a great deal with that and in the same way, if you want to look tougher than you do, you must give short hair a try. Though of course, there are many variations within a long or a short hairstyle. A long bob with smooth and straight hair will make you look less softer than long hair but it's still a balanced hairstyle, so if you are looking to really toughen up your look, you could dye it black or go shorter.

Another way to change your look from soft to fun or sexy is making it wavy or curly. That doesn't mean straight hair can't be sexy though. Stick straight hair is among the sexiest. In the same way, if you are looking to soften up your look, naturally soft and normally straight is the best option.

Image: Anne Hathaway

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