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How to get rid of blackheads

10:51 AM

Creams? Lotions? Trying to squeeze them out? I know you have tried it all. And today, we are not going to go into the mechanics of how they work and what they are. Who needs to know that? All you need to know is how to erase them so that's what I'm going to tell you.

1. Take a pan, put a little water and loose tea or tea bags and boil it.

2. Next, take a cotton ball, dip it in the tea water.

3. Make sure it's not too hot. Blow on the cotton a little.

4. Put the cotton ball on the skin having blackheads, press and rub down.

That's it! I can guarantee your blackheads will be gone. A quick, cost less, surefire way to remove blackheads.


1. Keep the cotton with you before you start boiling.

2. Make sure it's not too hot or cold before you use the cotton. Too hot hurts skin and too cold doesn't work.

3. Don't rub too much or it will redden your skin. Not to worry even if it gets red though, because this is only tea water we are using. The redness will disappear in a few hours, depending on your skin. Mine is sensitive so it gets red easily.

Image: Emma Stone

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